Medicare Air
General Information
A ceiling panel specifically developed for use in pressurised rooms.
MediCare Air is suitable for high risk areas, where air pressure is controlled to prevent the spread of infections, such as operating theatres, recovery rooms and intensive care. It has a Bacteriological Class B1 and B5, beyond the requirements of the very high risk zones as defined in NF S 90-351. MediCare Air does not contribute to the growth of MRSA. It has a low particle emission resulting in Clean Room Classification ISO Class 5. MediCare Air has an air-tight backing membrane and sealed edges and when combined with clips, provides an airtight ceiling system. It features a water repellent surface and can also be effectively disinfected by steam cleaning.
MediCare Air is an acoustic ceiling made of a 25 mm stone wool panel. The visible surface is covered with a white painted water repellent fleece, which provides an aesthetically pleasing finish and ease of cleaning. The rear side of the panel is covered by an airtight high performance membrane. The edges are sealed.
Acoustics – Sound absorption
Sound absorption has been measured in accordance with ISO 354. Sound absorption data ap, aw and absorption class are calculated in accordance with ISO 11654. Noise Reduction Coefficient (NRC) is calculated in accordance with ASTM C423.
The best sound absorption :
αw: 0.80 and NRC: 0.90
Fire Performance
Rockfon ceiling tiles have a core of stone wool. Stone wool is noncombustible with a melting point of more than 1000°C.
Reaction to fire:
Class A1 in accordance with EN 13501-1.
Fire protection:
The fire resistant properties of stone wool ensure Rockfon ceiling tiles provide fire protection in construction. The fire protection properties of Rockfon ceilings have been tested and classified in accordance with European norm EN 13501-2 and/or national norms depending on requirements in national building codes.
Humidity Resistance And Dimensional Stability (Flexural Tensile Strength)
Rockfon ceiling tiles are dimensionally stable even at humidity levels of up to 100% RH and can be installed at all temperatures ranging from 0ºC to 40°C.
No acclimatisation is necessary.
Medicare Air is predominantly classified as Class 1/C/0N in accordance with EN 13964. However, certain module sizes (width above 700mm) are Class 2/C/0N.
Light Reflection
White, 85% diffuse light reflection in accordance with ISO 7724-2
The surface of MediCare Air has enhanced resistance and is highly water-repellent. It is treated to minimise dirt pick-up and finger marking – this being essential for ease of installation and frequent demounting for access to services. The surface can be vacuum cleaned with a soft brush attachment and it resists diluted solutions of the following: ammonia, chlorine, quaternary ammonium and hydrogen peroxide. Cleaning with a sponge or damp cloth may render the surface slightly shinier and we therefore recommend cleaning the whole surface evenly for best results.
MediCare Air can also be cleaned and disinfected twice a year by steam cleaning following a protocol defined by experts and using an adapted surface mop.
Clean Room Classification
Particles emitted by building materials can increase the risk of infection spreading in Healthcare buildings. Due to its low particle emission, MediCare Air meets stringent requirements for air cleanliness. MediCare Air is classified ISO Class 5 in accordance with ISO 14644-1, this corresponds with Class 100 of US Federal Standard 209E. The clean room classification of MediCare Air fulfils the requirements of Zone 4 as defined in NF S 90-351.
Stone wool has no nutritional value and therefore it provides no sustenance to harmful micro-organisms.
MediCare Air has been tested with the following micro-organisms and has obtained the bacteriological class B1 and B5, which is beyond the requirements of Zone 4 as defined in NF S 90 351:
– Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA): bacteria resistant to antibiotics and responsible for post-surgery infections and septicaemias.
– Candida Albicans: yeast responsible for skin infections and pneumonias.
– Aspergillus Niger: mould responsible for pneumonias.
MediCare Air can be effectively disinfected by steam cleaning. The bactericidal and fungicidal effect of steam cleaning on MediCare Air has been tested. It meets the requirements of NF EN 14561 (> 5 log10) and NF EN 14562 (> 4 log10), meaning the disinfection is very effective.
A representative selection of Rockfon products have been awarded the Indoor Climate Label and the Finnish Indoor Climate Label (M1).MediCare Ultra is recyclable.

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