
The ceiling should coalesce with the design concept of the architect. The architects aresatisfied with different colours, border details, size and construction options. Thus, building-specific design may be applied. A solid acoustic is crucial to prevent “cocktail party effect” since these buildings are visited by crowded masses. Design may play a crucial role in buildings such as conference halls, museums and theatre halls etc. where internal decoration is a part of experience. Acoustic at all times plays a significant role as well as design.

While deciding for the ceiling in such buildings, we advise that the decision should be, briefly, based on the following fundamental elements

  • Modern ceiling designs
  • Acoustic performance (ceiling solutions able to provide privacy, sound absorption and sound insulation at the same time)
  • Fire safety
  • Easy and frequent access to installations such as electricity, mechanical air conditioning etc.
  • Colour, border details, size and constructional form options
  • Illumination requirements

Culture References

NoTrade nameProject LocationLink
1International Central Gospel ChurchGhanaLook
2Rightway Christian CentreGhanaLook
3Penticost International Worship CenterGhanaLook
4Manisa Kültür MerkeziManisaLook
5Convention Center Baku AzerbaycanLook
6Abdullah Gül Vakfı Müze ve Kütüphanesi KayseriLook
7Çorlu Kültür MerkeziÇorlu
8Çukurova Üni. Kongre ve Sergi SarayıAdana
9Diyarbakır Kongre SarayıDiyarbakır
10Erbaa Kongre ve Kültür MerkeziTokat
11Hanımlar Kültür MerkeziSivas
12Harran Üniversitesi Merkez KütüphanesiŞanlıurfa
13Hatay Dörtyol Kültür MerkeziHatay
14Hz.Hamza Camiiİstanbul
15Mersin Yenişehir Kongre Mrk.Mersin
16Rize Ardeşen kültür MerkeziRize
17Selçuklu Kongre MerkeziKonya
18Sultangazi Kültür Merkeziİstanbul
19Zorlu Center Kültür Merkezi İstanbul
20Uşak Üniversitesi - Gençlik MerkeziUşak